I was given this plant a while back and it had not been taken care of. It had been overwatered and too much light. It is coming back. From what I’ve read this plant comes from Madagascar.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Correction
On June 8th I posted a picture of what I thought was Machairophyllum latifolium, I was led to believe that from the label on it from the greenhouse. My cursory examination didn’t catch it but luckily a reader by the screen name of Arizona Ed (or CactiEd, not sure. Email me!) did. I appreciate it.
It is in fact Rhombophyllum dolabriforme commonly known as Elkhorn Plant.
Thanks for the correction. I’ll try harder in the future.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Windows Live Writer
This has nothing to do with Succulents but I started using Windows Live Writer to write my blog entries. It is a wonderful tool that makes blogging easy. If you blog it’s a must have. Check it out.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Aloinopsis schooneesii
This South African succulent has pebble-like leaves and is a winter grower but given water in the summer it can adapt.
This plant will form a dense mat of clustered heads. I expect yellowish-brown flowers in the Spring. I really like this plant.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Rhombophyllum dolabriforme
I love the look of this plant. It looks like some alien life form
It has no common name and I can’t wait for it’s flowers of orange and red.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Haworthia cuspidata (Star Window Plant)
I found this plant a few days ago at the local Lowe’s big box store and it is exactly what I”m looking for in a succulent. Thick pointy leaves in tight rosettes.
Haworthias are native to South Africa and from what I read this plant goes dormant in the summer and are winter growers.
I’m looking forward to seeing it’s small flowers.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy'
It is finally warm here in Ohio and it’s been a couple weeks since there has been any chance of frost. I’ve been scouting for new succulents and came upon a bunch. Over the next couple weeks I’ll be posting about my newest acquisitions
Echeveria runyonii is found in Mexico and is fast growing. I came upon this specimen and look forward to it’s offsets. It’s obvious looking at it why it’s called Topsy Turvy. I’m looking forward to the bright orange and yellow flowers at the end of summer. It’s a beautiful plant that I will be sharing.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Spring: A New Beginning
I pulled out all of my Lithops for the first time today after a long winter. The become dormant and die off and a new plant emerges out of the center. The hard part is not watering them. I've barely watered them since October!!! I was a little worried as many of them are very small., just babies.
I brought them out and there they were fresh and ready to go. I couldn't be happier. Check out the pics
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tigers Jaw

Monday, September 1, 2008
Crassula Gollum
I searched high and low and finally came upon a nice specimen. As you can see when the plant gets sufficient light the tips become red.
As with any of the Jades it is easy to propagate. I plan to mix different jades into a dish garden. I think that will be interesting.Sunday, August 31, 2008
Variegated Jade

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Echeveria Nudulosa
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Coral Cactus

This plant is Euphobia Lactea Crest and as you can see it has been grafted onto another Ephobia. In the wild the crest is rare but with breeding and propagation techniques they are easily found. The Euphobia Lactea Crest is grafted onto the Ephobia to speed up it's growth. I've been told they do this in Thailand.
I'm not really into Cacti. Repeat after me, All cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti. I have some and enjoy them but there are endless varieties of succulents to discover. The Coral Cactus, though, is a beauty and I'm looking forward to seeing it flower.
I originally posted this pic on other site and realized it made it look larger than it really is so I took another picture with a yardstick to show how large it really is.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunset Plant
Anacampseros telephiastrum variegata is a beautiful little plant.
I wrote about this plants cousin, anacampseros rufescens a not too long ago HERE .
This is a much smaller succulent but given sunshine it is truly beautiful in its' pinks. I didn't get this too long ago and already it's responding well.
Small white hairs grow out from it's stem. This one hasn't flowered yet but from what I've read I can expect a small magenta flower.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monster Cactus

I've never been a big cactus person. I love succulents but cacti in general never really excited me.
It' important to remember, All cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti.
A while back I saw this cactus and fell in love with it. It is so ugly that it's beautiful I believe it is Cereus peruvianus f. monstrosus, from South America.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ghost Plant
The Ghost Plant is native to Mexico and is also known as the Mother of Pearl Plant.
The plant has gray rosettes with a purplish undertone. It's a member of the crassulaceae family that includes the popular Jade Plant.
This plant is incredibly hardy and wants to be left alone. If handled too much the leaves will drop off. This isn't that bad of a thing as the leaves are easily propagated by just laying them on damp potting soil and you'll have a new Ghost Plant in no time.
I've been expecting it to bloom this summer with small white flowers. I'm still waiting.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Variegated Sand Rose
I'll be coming back to this plant later, it's a beauty.
Jade Plant
Jades have rich green leaves and are great for creating an indoor bonzai. I got mine from a friend whose plant is over four feet tall. Her crassula has flowered beautifully with white star like flowers.
Jades are incredibly easy to propagate. Just take a leaf off, let it dry, and then plant in damp soil. It won't be long before it will root.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Split Rock
I have a friend in San Diego who grows this in his rock garden but obviously it wouldn't survive Ohio's harsh winters. My friend thought that it was a kind of lithops but it isn't. Lithops are odd plants that grow buried up their tops but Split Rock sits on top. Plus Split Rock will have multiple flowers.
The main problem with this plant is it demands so little attention. I've read where in a European environment a mature plant can go an entire year without being watered. I water mine lightly and infrequently and so far it is doing quite well. I'm hoping for flowers before too long.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby Toes
In the wild the plant is covered with sand and only the leaf tips are visible. This is another plant that is easy to grow as long as you don't overwater it. Baby Toes produce large yellow flowers on long stems.
After having the plant for a few months I was surprised in the middle of summer with three flowers. They are reminiscent of daisies but very shiny.
Baby Toes should be a part of every succulent collection.